ASAP Integration - programming of Siemens, Rockwell and Beckhoff systems


2017:VZL1 – Inner liner assembly line
Complete replacement of PLC program
S7-400, ca 500 I/O and 25 drives
End customer Continental, Púchov
2017:WMS – Fuel injector production system
Modification of PLC program (change in production process)
S7-300, ca 300 I/O, 5 drives and a Kuka robot, TCP communication with MES
End customer Continental, Trutnov
2018:MEFI – Gas meter assembly line
Program that collects process and production data and provides them to MES (OEE)
S7-300, ca 500 I/O
End customer Elster – Honeywell, Stará Turá
2018:VL7 – Sidewall extrusion line
Integration of program for communication/control of product marking device
WinAC RTX, WinCC, TCP communication
End customer Continental, Púchov
2018:Rubber profile take-off belts
Program for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1200, ca 30 I/O and 2 drives
End customer Henniges CZ, Hranice
2019:Schuler press – Moulding press for car components
Diagnosing and correction of PLC malfunction
End customer Porsche Werkzeugbau, Dubnica nad Váhom
2019:Sealant applicator (2D trajectory)
Positioning control replacement and new program
S7-1500T, ca 50 I/O and 2 drives
End customer Elster – Honeywell, Stará Turá
2019:Rubber profile take-off belts
Program for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1500, ca 30 I/O and 3 drives
End customer ELDISY, Serbia
2019:VL5 – Squeegee extrusion line
Replacement of rubber cooling program
S7-400, ca 500 I/O and 25 drives
End customer Continental, Púchov
2019:Rubber profile bending machine
Program for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1200, ca 20 I/O and 1 drive
End customer ELDISY, Serbia
2019:Training – TIA Portal 1500 Service
S7-1500, Comfort panel, G120
End customer NES Nová Dubnica, Nová Dubnica
2019:Training – Step7 300/400 Service
S7-300, Comfort panel, G120
End customer NES Nová Dubnica, Nová Dubnica
2019:COMERIO – Free cooling
Additional programming of control for cooling
with central chilled waterS7-400, ca 40 I/O, WinCC Pro
End customer Continental, Púchov
2019:Single-purpose machine PP4
Service replacement of control on an existing sin
gle-purpose machineS7-1200, ca 20 I/O, Comfort panel
End customer AAF International, Trenčín
2019:Sealant applicator (3D trajectory)
Positioning control replacement and new program
S7-1500T, ca 50 I/O and 3 drives
End customer Elster – Honeywell, Stará Turá
2020:Small Component Line – extrusion line
Changing the program for: tracking, recipe change, cutting o
ut the wasteS7-1500 ca 800 I/O, TIA WinCC Pro and 40 drives
End customer Apollo, Hungary
2020:Single-purpose riveting machine
Program for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1500, ca 80 I/O, Comfort panel, Sick safety PLC
End customer Velux, Partizánske
2021:Line 292B – assembly of gearboxes for cars
Collaboration on commissioning and debugging
ca 15-x S7-1500, ca 50 I/O, ca 15 robots KUKA
End customer Magna, Kechnec
2021:Maruishi – Large format package machine
Diagnostics and correction of incorrect package stopping
S7-300 ca 500 I/O and 15 drives
End customer Mondi SCP, Ružomberok
2021:Press Onapres 2
Diagnostics and modification of the pr
ogram for stopping the press in the lower dead position in man. mode according to the set positionS7-300 ca 150 I/O
End customer Porsche Werkzeugbau, Dubnica nad Váhom
2021:Welding machine Branson UZ Smart
Service replacement of control on an existing single-pu
rpose machineS7-1200, cc 30 I/O
End customer Elster – Honeywell, Stará Turá
2021:Line Audi– Assembly of the cooling unit of the car
Collaboration on commissioning and debugging
ca 8-x S7-1500, ca 30-100 I/O, WinnCC Advance
End customer Mahle, Skalica
2021:REA3 – Assembly of unit for controlling the position of the turbo blades
Collaboration on commissioning and debugging
S7-1500 ca 1500 I/O, ca 10 robots KUKA
End customer Magnety Marelli, Kechnec
2021:SE120 - Monoextruder
Program for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1500 ca 100 I/O, and 5 drves
End customer Foia, Trenčín
2022:Gas meters CDM
Commissioning and debugging of the mo
ved lineseveral S7-300 and S7-1500
End customer Elster – Honeywell, Stará Turá
2022:Small Component Line – extrusion line
Program modifications
S7-1500 ca 800 I/O, TIA WinCC Pro and 40 drives
End customer Apollo, Hungary
2022:Production of battery modules
Supervision during initial production
3x S7-1500 ca 80 I/O, 6 robots KUKA
End customer Porsche Werkzeugbau, Horná Streda
2022:SLO12K - Steel cord cutting line
Program for a new machine
S7-1500 , cca 430 I/O and 21 drives
End customer KamaTire, Kazakhstan
2022:SLO87N - Steel cord cutting line
Program for a new machine
S7-1500 , cca 715 I/O and 39 drives
End customer KamaTire, Kazakhstan
2022:SLO88N - Steel cord cutting line
Program for a new machine
S7-1500 , cca 710 I/O and 39 drives
End customer KamaTire, Kazakhstan
2023:Test device for measuring the torque loss of the bearing
Program for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1200 ca 30 I/O, 1 drive
End customer KINEX BEARINGS, Bytča
2023:Grooving of SSR inserts
Change of control, new program
S7-1500 ca 40 I/O, Comfort panel
End customer Continental, Púchov
2023:Roller Head Line – extrusion line
Change in the program for replacing thickness measuring
devices + Thickness regulationS7-1500 ca 800 I/O, TIA WinCC Pro and 40 drives
End customer Apollo, Hungary
2023:CDM Gas meter leak test
Complete replacement of the control (S7-300 fo
r S7-1200) and electrical installationS7-1200 ca 30 I/O, HMI
End customer Elster – Honeywell, Stará Turá
2023:Electric gearbox for Mercedes eATS 1.6
Cooperation on "offline" programming
S7-1500 ca 100 I/O, HMI, robots KUKA
End customer MAGNA Austria
2023:Cutting machine for a rubber profile P64
Program and wiring for a new single-purpose machine
S7-1200 ca 30 I/O, HMI
End customer SaarGummi, Dolné Vestenice